The last few weeks of the semester hold a lot of stress, anxiety, hours of school work, and probably some tears. But I wanted to take some time to reflect on some of my favorite things. Things that make me happy, bring me joy, and/ or just make me smile and feel comfortable.
1. Crunchy leaves
2. Puppies (and dogs too).
3. Puppy/doggy cuddles and kisses.
4. A good cup of coffee.
5. Coffee dates with good friends/ important people in my life. Even if it is subpar coffee. It's not about the coffee anyway.
5. Seeing someone fully in their element (think of someone you know doing something that they absolutely love. That smile that shows pure joy on their face? That. That's what I love).
6. Blasting worship music and singing loudly, and maybe even a bit poorly.
7. Informal worship sessions with a group of believers. With a guitar or two.
8. Having someone pray over me. Intensely and Spirit-filled. There's just something about it that lifts my heart more than hearing, 'I'll pray for you.'
9. When two of my favorite people meet for the first time. It makes my heart geek out that two of the sweetest and most fantastic people in my life are in one room! And talking to each other!
10. Rain. Downpours. Thunderstorms. I love it. Grab a blanket and go sit on the porch.
11. A good hug. Not one of those one-armed or two-second things. A real hug.
12. Real people. The ones who are not afraid to show up and be who they are-- flaws and all.
13. Hearing someone be vulnerable (to be open and willing to trust me enough when there is potential that they will get hurt).
14. Gummies. I think these might be my favorite snacks. I'm not too picky on what kind.
15. Children's laughter. It's so innocent and pure.
16. Dandelion pods. These are the grey and fluffy part often used to make a wish.
17. Not having to set an alarm for the morning.
18. Watching the ocean waves. Like seriously. I can get lost in them for hours.
19. Speaking of the ocean, sunscreen. It keeps me from being six shades of red and really tender and ouchy. Not to mention. helps to protect my skin from those UVA and UVB rays.
20. But I do love sunshine. It makes me happier (seasonal affective disorder is real, people!).
21. Puppy/doggy butt wiggles. You know what I mean. When they get so excited they can't control it and their butt wiggles with their tail and eventually their whole body is wiggling.
22. Sunglasses. My eyes seem to be sensitive to bright weather conditions. I usually don't leave the house without a pair.
23. Halloween.
24. Fuzzy blankets. Because they're fuzzy and all things comfort.
25. Movies. I have a collection that I love and keep adding to.
26. Coffee mugs. I collect them (and use them).
27. Smelly good things (candles, wax melts, lotions, hand sanitizers, perfume, lilies, grass, etc.)
28. Conversations with good friends. I don't talk to or see my best friends very often so that phone call can be the best part of my week.
29. Informally written books. Talk to me like we have been friends for years.
30. The color purple. I own too many things that are purple, but stop judging me.
Those are just some of my favorite things, what are some of yours?