Today, I did something kind. I'm sure my random act of kindness turned that kids frown upside down. I learned that it is important to do something kind for someone else and make their day. Whether or not that person was kind to you in return. Kindness is a characteristic that is more often than not mistaken for weakness which it is not. It can only make you stronger.
Here are a list of ideas you can choose from. Hope you brighten someone’s day today!
- Write and send someone a handwritten letter
- Compliment a stranger
- Send paper thank you notes to five different people
- Pay for the coffee, the toll or the bus fare for the person behind you
- Let the person who seems rushed cut in front of you
- Hold the door open for someone
- Help people move
- Send your friend a letter
- Go through your things and give freely to those in need
- Call everyone you know and tell them you love them
- Help someone whose car has broken down
- Bake a cake for the birthday person
- Let someone else have your seat on the crowded bus, light-rail or subway
- Do the task no one else wants to do
- Listen to someone’s life story — yes, the whole thing
- Put money in someone else’s parking meter that’s about to expire
- Cook or buy a meal for a homeless person
- Donate to your local charity
- Leave a generous tip
- Take positive small talk to strangers
- Take your friend's dog for a walk
- Send someone a small gift anonymously
- Offer to pick up groceries for an elderly neighbor
- Leave your favorite book in a public place with a note
- Donate books to your local library
- Volunteer at a soup kitchen
- Pay for the drinks on the next table at a restaurant
- Treat a friend to the movies for no reason
- Put a flower on your neighbor’s porch
- Give free hugs