Ah, summer break. The three months that every high schooler loves and every college student hates. You see, in high school, we used to be able to work a bit and hang out with friends the majority of the time. We also never had school work to get done. In college though, that's a different story. We have work to pay for school, summer classes, all of our friends are everywhere over the country and we live back at home instead of in our apartment/houses/cramped dorm rooms. If you're miss school just a tad, here are some things that you think almost every day just like I do.
1. Oh my gosh, I don't have to pay for laundry anymore!
2. I can stretch in bed without having to worry about falling off the twin size bed.
3. What do you mean I can't spend flex at every restaurant around my house? I could do that at school!
4. No more communal bathrooms. Sweet!
5. No more people to clean the bathroom… Not so sweet…
6. I miss my friends.
7. Where are all my clothes that I brought back?
8. Mom? Do you know where my favorite shirt is from school? Which bin is it in?
9. I bet you $50 I could live out of these seven bins for the next 90 days!!
10. Remember when my best friend was only 30 seconds away? Those were the good old days.
11. OMG!! Real food!
12. I missed you, dog.
13. What do you mean I can’t stay out until two in the morning?
14. Home internet is way better than the school's Wi-Fi.
15. Why did I think summer was going to be fun? All I’m doing is taking school without my friends.
16. This town is so boring.
17. Why is there nothing to do in this godforsaken town??
18. I’m. So. Poor.
19. I miss my roommate(s).
20. Why are there so many rules?
21. Why do I have to drive everywhere?
22. Why is everything so far apart?
23. Who let me bring so much shit to school? Why did I need all of that??
24. I don't have to wear shower shoes anymore!!
25. Holy crap, there's actually real food in this fridge!
26. I wonder what my roommate is doing.
27. I should track her just to make sure she's safe.
28. What am I supposed to do with the $500 pile of textbooks I have?
29. I miss walking around the quad and seeing all of my friends.
30. When can I go back to school?
Even though the school portion of college sucks 95% of the time, it was nice being able to walk out your door and see five of your best friends. College summer just isn't the same as high school summer.