There are few things in life that make me happier (and/or make me want to bury my face in my hands and groan loudly) than a well timed pun. This goes double if the pun involves some my favorite insects — bees. There's nothing quite as satisfying as uttering a bee pun when no one expects it, so here is a list of the top 30 bee puns around!
Use these puns to make your grandparents laugh, impress your date, spice up your Tinder profile, make friends with a beekeeper, break the ice at your new job or make everyone in the general vicinity wish they hadn't invited you to come hang out with them. You won't bee-lieve how many of these puns you'll be pollen for! You'll bee-come an instant hit at parties! You'll bee sure to thank me later.
1. "When a bee is in your hand, what's in your eye? Beauty. Because beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder."

2. "Bee puns really sting.
3. "Who's a bee's favorite singer? Bee-yoncé."
4. "What's a happy bumblebee's blood type? Bee positive!"

5. "Bee puns aren't that great. I don't get what all the buzz is about."
6. "Wasp are you talking about?"

7. "Naughty bee children really need to beehive."
8. "What kind of bees drop things? Fumble bees!"
9. "A bee's favorite haircut is a buzz cut!"
10. "What do you call a bee that's a sore loser? A cry bay-bee!"

11. "What's a bee's favorite flower? Bee-gonias!"
12. "Why do bees get married? Because they found their honey!"

13. "That bee is talking too quietly, it must be a mumble-bee!"
14. "Bee children take the school buzz to get to school."
15. "A bee's favorite sport is rug-bee."
16. "The bees went on strike because they wanted more honey and less working flowers."

17. "On the first day of class, bee students are given a sylla-buzz."
18. "What did one bee say to the other when they landed on the same flower? Buzz off."
19. "Who's a bee's favorite painter? Pablo Bee-casso!"
20. "A bee styles their hair with a honeycomb."
21. "When a bee writes a sonnet, they're waxing poetic."
22. "The worker bee decided to take a vacation to Stingapore last year."
23. "A bee that's been put under a spell has been bee-witched!"
24. "Say, these bee puns aren't too shab-bee."
25. "That pretentious wasp is just plain snob-bee!"
26. "Why did the bee want to use the phone? To say hi to their honey."
27. "A bee's favorite novel is the Great Gats-bee."
28. "What's a bee's favorite Spice Girls song? Wanna-bee!"
29. "What do bees like with their sushi? Wasa-bee!"
30. "Remember, bee puns are good for your health, they give you a dose of Vitamin Bee!"

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