For most college students, classes have either already started or are getting ready to start within the next week or two. With that in mind, everyone is now going to be scrambling to study for their next exam, to finish that four to five-page paper, or hanging out with friends on a Friday night-this means that the fact that you have an article due during the week stray to the back of your mind, where it stays until you release that it's the due date and you have nothing out there yet.
Never fear! It happens to everyone! But what happens when you cannot even think of an article idea when you actually remember? You look at another odyssey article that has a list of different topics for something that strikes your interest. So, I'll cut this introduction off so you can get to what you came here to read. :)
1. How your first week of college went
2. Why the first week is the best time, yet it's also one of the most stressful time
3. Ways to reach out on campus (clubs, service learning, volunteering)
4. Shortcuts on your campus
5. Are the ratings on Rate My Professor actually reliable?
6. Why does every major have that one class that everyone dreads?
7. Things to do during your first week
8. How to make friends when you're new to campus
9. Reasons why you want to study abroad
10. Pros and cons to studying abroad
11. The best places to eat on campus
12. The best places to eat off of campus
13. Ways to stay on top of assignments
4. Differences between your previous year of school (ex: senior in high school to college freshman or sophomore in college to junior in college)
15. Why you choose to live on campus
16. Why you choose to commute
17. Letter to your university on the lack of outlets in some dorms (yes, I am salty)
18. Why you shouldn't drop that class
19. Why you love/hate morning classes
20. Why you love/hate afternoon classes
21. Why you love/hate online classes
22. A letter to the professors that make you buy expensive books, yet they never have anything relevant in them
23. What's the best places to get your books from?
24. Reasons why you should call home
25. Why naps are incredibly important for survival
26. eBooks vs physical books (which is better? which is worse?)
27. Unique spots on your campus
28. Things to do on your campus on the weekends
29. The pros and cons to having a roommate
30. Why it's best to go talk to your adviser early
Go forth my fellow procrastinators! Also, if you're having trouble with coming up with article ideas you can always talk to your editors and even your friends, to come up with new articles. Happy writing!