I have had many people ask me the question, “What does it take to have a relationship with God?” Well the truth is that the answer is different for every person. I approach my relationship with God as I would a relationship with a spouse. Even though we treat God as though He is not human, He still has feelings. How many times have we heard the saying that being a Christian is more about the relationship rather than the religion? Here are three ways that I feel that each individual can obtain the desired relationship.
1. Communication
The most important characteristic of a relationship with God is communication. Just like a relationship with a spouse, you should talk with God every day. How do you talk to someone you can’t see? That’s simple. Prayer. This might sound crazy, but it works both ways; therefore, don’t just talk to God, but allow him to talk to you. Many people say that they can’t hear God or that God doesn’t speak to them, yet in so many ways, He does speak and it’s always crystal clear. It may not be in an audible voice, but He does speak into each person’s spirit. Most people don’t hear God because they are too busy telling God what to do, and that’s what is heartbreaking. God wants you to talk to him, not give Him a to do list. Not to mention, God gave you one mouth and two ears; consequently I believe that listening is just as important, if not more important, than talking to Him.
2. Seriousness
Another very important characteristic of a relationship with God is to take it serious. God is not a toy and your relationship with Him is not a game. Having a relationship with Him is more than going to church. You can go to church every time the doors are open and still not have a relationship with Him. God is certainly a necessity, yet how many of us actually act that He is just that? In a relationship, you expect that person to be honest, caring, and loving so why don’t we do that with God? He should be our priority. My brother preached a message one time entitled “Umbrella Christians”; some people only want God when the storm of their life is raging. They want to hide under Him, then when the storm is over they put God back in the closet until the next storm comes.
3. Endurance
Lastly, we have to keep holding on- no matter how bad or how hard it is. When you go through a rough time, God is closer than you think. When life isn’t a bed of roses remember who wore the thorns. In the book of Mark, chapter four, there was a storm and the disciples began to worry because Jesus was asleep. We read that they woke him up and said “Master, do you care not that we perish?” Then Jesus answered and said “Oh ye of little faith.” We have to have faith and keep that faith. Jesus said in Deuteronomy 31:6, "He will never leave you, nor forsake you." Hold onto God because He’ll always hold onto you. Don't run away from Him when things get tough! He never promised that it was going to be easy; He just promised that it would be worth it.
Having a relationship with God is the best thing anyone could have. It’s not a job, but it’s definitely a privilege knowing that someone that could have sent me to an eternal fire, looked at me and said, “That is my child, I died for him.” Even though life may treat us bad, we can always look to Him for comfort. That comfort comes from knowing that we may not know what tomorrow holds but we know who holds tomorrow. We also get comfort in knowing this world is not our home (John 14:1-6), and that while religion is an important aspect, the relationship we gain from knowing Jesus is even better.