Although we don't realize it, music plays an extraordinary role in everyday life. It has the power to touch, bring back old memories, change moods and perspective, etc. Music is an integral and powerful tool in our daily lives, but we rarely acknowledge the impact it has.
1. Music brings people together
Music has the ability to create relationships and close bridges between people much like how sports, movies, and television do. However not everybody watches television and movies or plays sports. Everybody listens to music. Its all around us! One of the first questions we ask when we meet someone is "What kind of music are you into?". You've also probably had someone come up to you and say "Oh you listen to that artist? I do too!" Personally a handful of the relationships that I've developed throughout my life have been attributed to music's ability to bring people together. Without it I'm sure that I wouldn't have some of the friends that I do today.
2. Music gives me the ability to confront my problems in a healthy way
I can't express how many times music has helped me deal with my problems. It has served as a distraction from troubles as well as helped me get out of those ruts where nothing seems to be going right. We use music as an outlet because sometimes we just aren't ready to confront others about difficulties going on in our lives. Music has an ability to connect with people on an emotional level, and for some people that's enough to deal with their problems. For others music is a good stepping stone towards conflict-resolution because it relates to our lives. When you're feeling sad, you'll most likely listen to sad music because of the connection between your feelings and the song. When you're in a good mood, you'll typically listen to music that is more upbeat and eccentric. Music expresses the emotions that we feel and is a good way to confront those feelings.
3. Life without music is boring
Imagine going into a cafe to study and there was no background music. You also just so happen to forget your laptop and your phone is dead, so you're stuck with your 2000 page anthology (these still exist) and you must to read Jackques Derrida's "Of Grammatology" because you have a paper due in two days. Yes, I am speaking from personal experience, and I am salty. I found myself leaving the cafe and making my way back home because the material was too dry to read without some kind of music behind it. Music is great because it is not as distracting as TV shows, which require the watcher to keep their eyes on the screen. With music you can have it play in the background while you do whatever it is you need to accomplish. NOTE: Never forget your laptop and keep a portable charger with you at all times.
Music is an amazing tool and gift that we take for granted everyday. I can't even imagine a world where music doesn't play an impact on my life. It has done nothing but motivate me to be better, pick up my mood, and quite frankly, helps me avoid boredom. So please, anyone that reads this article, send me your favorite song so that I can give it a listen!