3 Ways I Helped Myself Become Less Antisocial | The Odyssey Online
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3 Ways I Helped Myself Become Less Antisocial

Positive lessons that I learned throughout the years.

3 Ways I Helped Myself Become Less Antisocial

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Not everyone can come out of their shell so easily. Sometimes it takes a little push from peers, or even getting a job. These are just some of the things that have helped me personally, and could possibly help others. You would think being antisocial would not be a problem in today's world, but it is and has been for a while now.

People who are antisocial or are becoming antisocial can end up developing an antisocial personality disorder, which can cause them to act out and break laws. They can seek help with therapy, but this is often never cured. This is just my way of helping people realize that they can become someone who is heard, and know that someone is there for them.

Here are the 3 ways I helped myself come out of my shell, and become remarkable as a high-school student before college!

Getting a job

Not everyone gets a job during high-school, and if I am being totally honest I wanted to be one of those people. I quickly realized that I was asking my mother for money most of the time and wanted to start making it on my own. So I went out and searched for places that were hiring, and to my surprise, I was too nervous to go into the stores and ask for an application. Most applications are online now which makes it so much easier to not face people and awkwardly ask them if they are hiring. Luckily, I received calls from three different places all within the same day, even with the same-day interviews!

After making a decision on which job I actually wanted and thought I would be able to enjoy, I went with a fast-food job. Yes, this is what helped me break away from being so shy and never talking to anybody, to me talking to everyone and even becoming excellent in customer service.

Becoming more involved in school activities 

In my junior year of high school, I was accepted into the Biomedical Academy at the Western Technology Center. This means I went to one school during the morning and the technology center in the afternoon. Yes, that kind of meant more classes, but it was such a benefit to my education. They did things so much differently at the technology center, it made you feel more grown-up. You were able to run things on your own, do your presentations how you wanted to do them, all while following the expectations of course. Not only that, but we were under an organization called HOSA. HOSA holds conferences at least twice a year and you get to compete. Competing was something I was uncomfortable with; especially in a room full of judges and other people watching. Luckily, in my junior year, we did not compete, but instead, we helped other people who were competing. It was such an amazing experience!

Bio-med had all sorts of volunteering type of activities in which I was able to be involved in as well. We got to teach eighth-graders about hearts and the function of the hearts. We even got to go to the nursing home and visit with the residents there, which was amazing and I had the time of my life.

Doing these activities helped me get out of my comfort zone, even farther than before because it required knowledge, even for the presentations that were in front of doctors, nurses, and school board members!

Being able to be myself around people

I always knew I was holding myself back from people and not being myself, and I decided that it needed to change for the better. So much lead up to helping me be myself in front of people and I am thankful for everyone who helped me become who I am today. It's not always easy being yourself, especially in high school with everyone being so judgmental of everyone's actions. I would like this to be my message to people who are coming from high school and going into college: it gets so much better. You are not stuck. You will get out of whatever dump you feel like you are in. Whatever you feel like is holding you back, LET IT GO! Everyone who wants to be in your life will help you get there, and give you your motivation.

Don't worry about other people's thoughts. Worry about your thoughts, and making yourself better for your future, and your future only!

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