Unfortunately, it is that time of year again. Finals are here and the stress that they bring is never slight of catastrophic to a college student who is barely holding it together anyway.
Enjoy the World Beyond Your Computer Screen
College campuses are beautiful, especially in the springtime. Taking a break from hours of studying to read a book of leisure on the front lawn or simply taking a relaxing walk around campus can help you come back to your work in a better place. This can even have positive impacts on your mental health and your level of effectiveness in regards to your studying.
Go Out With Friends
More than likely, your friends are also self-destructing as finals season closes in on universities all over the globe. No one can function efficiently once they are burnt out; this is applicable to you and your friends alike despite how many all-nighters you pull that might attempt to convince you otherwise. Spend time with one another and take a break from continuously looking over notes and quizlets, everyone will be grateful that you did.
Such simple advice but it has wondrous effects on everyone. Whether you want to watch a John Mulaney sketch or call your dad who always knows how to get a giggle out of you, just laugh and allow yourself to relax for a bit.
Finals are a rough time for everyone, but we all need to take time to relax and love one another during this stressful time.