After eight spectacular seasons of Cartoon Network’s “The Regular Show”, the show aired its tear-jerking finale this past Monday. Through the years, “The Regular Show” brought many laughs, colorful, unique characters, unusual scenarios and a truly artistic exterior.
But underneath that exterior and its general wackiness, “The Regular Show” had some very important life lessons that we could all take note of in our day to day lives. “The Regular Show” has taught us all three things:
1. Friendship is important.
The importance of friendship is mainly depicted through Mordecai and Rigby. For example, during one Christmas special, Rigby nearly faced death in order to be there for Mordecai as he was tackling Quillgin in order to save Christmas. Another great example of this was Pop’s sacrifice in the final episode. As he was laying down his life in order to save his friends and the entire universe, he told Mordecai and Rigby not to worry as this would be a “happy ending.”
2. Things won't always turn out the way you think it will, and that's fine.
Anyone who has watched the show knew that Mordecai had many relationship problems including Margaret and CJ. Everyone (including myself) was hoping Mordecai would end up with Margaret. But in the end, both Margaret and Mordecai led completely different lives. While it is unknown what officially happened with Margaret, Mordecai started pursuing his art full time and ended up marrying a lovely unnamed wolf lady (yeah I know it's kind of weird) I believe this gives a strong message to everyone that just because something good doesn't work out, doesn't mean something better isn't coming.
3. It's never too late.
One prime example of this is a Rigby finally finishing high school in the seventh season. (For those who don't know, Rigby was in his 20s when he finally finished.) While this teaches us that it is never too late to pursue your dreams, it also tells us “stay in school, kids”.
While “The Regular Show” was mainly considered a “kid’s show”, there were many teenagers and adults that were very fond of the show as well. A lot of people would often refer to it as “Seinfeld” for kids, which I can't say they're wrong.
I found it a bit painful to watch this incredible show come to an end, but I can look back and remember all the crazy moments and good morals that I will always remember from it.