This is not a list of reasons as why blondes have more fun, but more of me embarssing myself due to my extreme amount of blonde moments I have had over the course of the last few months. I am a blonde and I do have fun, and by fun I mean mostly laughing at myself when I do something, as my friends say, "Mady like." Here are three of my most embrassing blonde moments so far.
1. The one about the Peanuts
One Sunday my best friends Katie, Madison and I went out to dinner at our beloved place called Chipotle. While eating our dinner, our friend Preston told us to come hangout with him after dinner, but of course we said we would only go if he gave us more food. (Because clearly we only eat.) Anyway, Preston told us all the food he had, and one of those foods was peanuts. Of course I asked, "What kind of nuts? Cashews?" Katie and Madison looked at me and said, "Mady, peanuts." Of course me not understanding I asked again, "Yeah I know. What kind? Cashews?" I honestly saw nothing wrong with this. This went on for roughly another minute until one of them yelled at me saying that peanuts were a nut and that he did not have cashews. Needless to say I was more upset about not having Cashews than having this blonde moment.
2. The one about Long Island
On a Friday at 1:00am my friend Katie, Nate, and I thought it would be a grand idea to race shopping carts across campus. However, there was a cute new boy I haven't met before there. I was sitting a cart while being pushed around campus by this cute boy and I asked, "Where are you from?" He responded, "Long Island." Of course I thought he meant Rhode Island and continued to ask him how small of a state he lives in. Katie started laughing at me and the cute boy said, "I think you are thinking about Rhode Island." I then turned bright red and did that weird laugh/crying thing. It's safe to say that I haven't talked to that boy again.
3. The one about veggies
Last summer my family tried to be super cool and grow our own garden. It turned out to be okay, but once we planted our veggies none of us remembered what we had planted. So, when the day came my dad went out to grad our new proudly grown veggies inside the house. He laid them out on the counter, and I went right to what I thought was a zucchini, it was defiantly was not a zucchini. However, I am hard headed, and I like bicker over stupid things like what veggie is which. In the long run what I strongly thought was a zucchini ended up being an artichoke. Nothing alike. Till this day my family will show me zucchini and ask me what is it. Sigh.
I promise you I don't have blonde moments all the time, but I do promise you if you are around me when I have one, you will die of laughter.