At the age of 19, I can say that I have learned a lot over the years. A big part of who I am strings from the love that I have given and received from others. Love is one of the key aspects I value in life. There is true importance in love, as clichè as it may sound, it enhances who you are as a person. As I was contemplating this, I was able to specify the three kinds of love that have shaped me....
1. The love associated with family
I grew up in a very comforting home where I was shown that I was loved each day, by both my parents and all of my siblings. The love I have been shown, and that continues on, has really been one of the main facets that keep me going. This love we all have for each other comes through in any and every situation. I think knowing that no matter what is happening my family is here for me, is one of the most reassuring feelings. Just from your family alone, it is so easy to carry with you the compassion and supportive personality that you have been surrounded by your whole life.
2. The love that comes from friendships
I am extremely blessed to have the friends I do. I am very selective when it comes to who I am friends with. As a young woman who is giving, kind, and compassionate, like myself, I like to be around people who are the same. I can say that the close friends I have are some of the most loving, understanding, and encouraging people I have ever come across. The positive impact these amazing individuals have had on my life never go unnoticed. I think that the love you feel from your friends goes a long way. Choosing the right people who give you endless truth and support shape you, just like the way my friends have shaped and inspired me.
3. The love that comes from being in love and in a relationship
This is something I have experience with first-hand, and I am lucky to have had someone in my life who has shown me as much care and love as my partner has. I think that being in a relationship causes you to be selfless and sacrifice for someone--to a healthy extent. But, a lot of what you do for them is meant to make them happy and show them how much you care. In my case, my boyfriend and I have practically grown up together. I couldn't be happier with who I have become with him and also individually. With love being a core value of mine, I have been able to enhance that and appreciate it even more through a relationship.
Although the references in this article are indirect, the people I am talking about will recognize who they are when they read this. I hold so much love and appreciation in my heart for every single one of these people. I thought it would be important to share the loving relationships in my life because, not only have they helped me grow, but they have made me a much more compassionate and loving person. Love and compassion go hand-in-hand with each other, and they are crucial characteristics to carry. I thank my family for keeping my values grounded from the time I was little and also always being there for me. I thank my friends for giving me endless support and showing/teaching me how to never give up on my values. I also thank my boyfriend for being someone who has stuck by me for countless years and showing me how to be a better loving person, not only with him, but with my family and friends as well.