There’s a bunch of reasons why we chose the people we do. We often find people who match with us by personality, interests, or even mutual friends, but more importantly we choose people in our lives because everyone who enters our life has a purpose and a reason why they enter. My last article was about why I love the people who recently came into my life. Now I’m here to name those reasons why I kept them and the purposes they had in my life.
1. The constant laughter
When I tell you it is constant – the laughter is constant. There’s so many times where I would wake up sore in my nonexistent abs because we could literally laugh about anything, anywhere, anytime. People who make you genuinely laugh are the ones you want to keep around because unforced laughter is the best kind. You want people who you can genuinely allow yourself to laugh obnoxiously with because those are the one that can make you laugh in the lowest times and laugh with you in the best times.
2. People to vent to
Friends are literally real life diaries. You should be able to talk about anything with them and get either advice, the brutal honesty, and more importantly just to vent it out. We all have parents or siblings we’re suppose to talk to, but friends are the ones you go to for the advice that parents or your brother or sister just can’t help with. Venting to friends is the best form of release especially when they always have your back because real friends hate the people you hate regardless of the circumstances and they will always have open ears.
3. They always have your back
Regardless of the circumstances, as stated before, friends always have your back. When you don’t like someone, they don’t like them either or well they shouldn’t. In the blink of an eye I could call any of my friends home or school and they would come running to have my back in no time, as I would do the same for them.
What it comes down to is people constantly come in and out of your life, but the ones that make you laugh, have your back, and the ones you can vent to are the keepers and are usually the ones that you want to stick around. These are the people you can be your truest self with regardless of any situation. They help you become the person you want to be and more importantly they see the potential you have in yourself, even when you don’t see it. The friends I have made from home and from school have taught me that my realest self is the best self. They have taught me that laughing is the best medicine, that I will always have my own personal diaries to say anything and everything to, and more importantly I know I will always have my ride or dies behind me through everything.