As we start the new year we may notice a lot of things we have in our homes are not necessary to have. Old books and textbooks, childhood toys, clothes that may not fit or are out of style, old decorations, etc. Out of laziness or a lack of time, we let those things clutter our homes. Here are a few tips on how to get rid of the junk invading our homes.
1. Donate
Most of the things we don't need can be donated to those who do need it. There are many that may be starting the new year without the many things we take for granted. Find a local Goodwill or Salvation Army drop off location. You can also donate items to churches and homeless shelters. Keep a record of the things you donate, their monetary value, and the date and location of where you donated it to. You can use your donation as a deduction on next year's taxes.
2. Sell
One man's trash is another man's treasure. You might have things that can be worth a lot of money in your house and you may not even know it. Take all of the things you consider valuable to local pawn shops or do some research online. Post pictures of your items on social media pages and share the link with friends. Also, there are many mobile apps for selling items such as Let Go.
3. Throw it Away
If you have things that are falling apart and may not be of use for anyone, throw it away. Don't keep it in the house if there is no point in keeping it. If it is something of sentimental value for you, take a picture of it before throwing it away.
Start 2017 with a clean and clutter-free home!