Internships are kind of like the early dating stage before getting engaged and eventually married to your significant other. In this case, your career. You test the waters to see how the relationship will potentially work out and you date different people to find your best match. Whether the internship you land is paid or unpaid, you have to remember that your hard work and skill sets are what landed you the opportunity and you should take every bit of advantage during your time there.
1. Never say "No" or "I don't want to" to a task.
Out of the hundreds, maybe even thousands of applicants, you were the chosen one. Never say "no" to an assignment your director gives you because you don't feel like doing it. Don't ever say "I don't want to" to a new project because it seems too hard. By using language like this, not only does your lack of enthusiasm shine but you also come across as ungrateful for the opportunity. Your supervisor wants you to learn as much as possible during your intern period so say yes to any new task, mission, project or challenge your superior assigns you. The more hands-on work you jump on, the more you'll have to talk about at your next interview. Who knows? Maybe the company you're interning with will offer you a full-time job opportunity at the end of your semester!
2. Learn about all departments, not just your own.
Familiarize yourself with not only your own department but with all the departments in the company. Believe it or not, a company works more like a team and less as individual departments. For example, let's take a performing arts center. At a performance arts center, there is the finance department, the marketing department, the programming department, the promotions department and many, many more. If you intern in the marketing department, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the way the finance department works to have a better understanding of the marketing budget. It may be a good idea to also meet with employees from the promotions department because the way they work can spark a new effective marketing strategy. All departments interconnect in some way and to develop your professionalism into one of well-roundedness, expanding your knowledge beyond the expected can be a great jumpstart to furthering your career.
3. Network, network, network!
I know this is something everyone tells you but believe me, networking is so important. There is a kind of science in the business world. Every conversation means something however you can't come across as desperate to make a connection with someone. You have to find the right balance in conversation and when the time is appropriate, send on over that LinkedIn request. Now, not only should you network horizontally, with all the other interns but you should also network vertically, with employees in higher positions. You never know who from your new connections will introduce you to your next chapter.
Take advantage of all the opportunities your internship offers. Learn about everything and anything. Introduce yourself to people in all departments in the office. Form relationships and connections with people. Most of all, keep an open mind and come into the office with a desire to take on responsibility every morning. With a positive attitude, only great things will come out of your experience.