As second semester is back in full swing, I thought that I would share my top three questions that every college student will likely ask themselves at one point or another in their college career. Personally I ponder each of these questions on a daily basis, but have learned to cope after three years.
- Can I Get Away With Murdering My Roommate/Neighbors By Claiming Insanity?
(Image Credit: - danisnotonfire - Psycho Thoughts)
After hours of blaring music, contact highs, and interrupted sleep or study sessions, it is only logical that one would resort to murder. No one can blame you right? Wrong. Apparently, the fact that your roommate/neighbors are driving you to the brink of insanity is not a justifiable reason to release your rage in a murderous rampage. Who knew?
2. Is It Really Worth Walking To The Cafeteria?
( Image Credit: )
The effort to get dressed and climb out of bed is almost certainly not worth the mediocre cafeteria food that awaits you. So what do you do when you can’t be bothered to move? You order delivery or make do with the small sampling of snacks that you have in your room. If you don’t starve to death in the process, this system works really well for the chronic couch potato.
- Should I Study Or Sleep?
( Image Credit: )
This is the age old question that college students perhaps ask most frequently, and rightly so. When your beauty sleep is constantly interrupted, it is understandable that you sleep when you can. How could you possibly be expected to study without, being properly rested first? A common theme among college students seems to be the sleep now, study later mentality. It is one that while attractive, I cannot recommend for academic success.
Have you ever had these thoughts?