I do not directly live in the city, but I do live to visit it and go sight-seeing or window-shopping. I usually go out to so I can see and meet different kinds of people. I like walking to places and seeing new attractions. These attractions can be anything as exciting as a new campaign advertisement for a huge blowout sale at one of my favorite clothing stores. I am used to living with constant noise and rushing to places. However, I had to change my usual way of living for a couple of days. Visiting family members in a different state that is known for its calm environment filled with wildlife and trees sounds nice at first, but once you get there and there’s barely anything to do but watch TV and eat peanut-butter sandwiches, your head starts to hurt. Your head hurting is one of the first stages to losing your mind. The next stage, which I would like to call: The Frozen Stage, involves me staying completely still on the couch for hours and not making any major movements. The third stage, which is also the final stage, involves me completely enjoying everything, including the view and my family, and feeling totally relaxed. Here are some reasons you should take a short break in a quiet and secluded area with a huge wildlife scenery, if you are a typical city person:
1) The scenery is beautiful.
If you play close attention to the scenery, you start to notice the different shapes that the stars make at night and the perfectly-formed trees that surround the houses.
2) The quiet is relaxing.
For a short while, you start to appreciate being able to her yourself. You start to gain your own sense of self again.
3) Your family is awesome.
You start to appreciate your family when you spend a lot of time with them.