When you have such amazing friends who would do, and do anything for you, it’s easy to get carried away and forget about a simple “thank you”. I admit that I find myself looking back on little and big things my friends have done for me, and I realize I never thanked them. Here are three things you haven’t thanked your best friends for yet, but definitely need to.
1. For telling you when your wrong.
I have come to realize that true friends are the friends that will openly disagree with you, and I am so thankful for this. Friends that continuously help you to not let your head get too big for yourself, are definitely keepers. They eventually become the voices of reason inside your head at times when your own voice becomes too loud. Most importantly though, finding friends that speak up and correct each other and not letting it hinder your relationship, aren't just the best kind, but the right kind. So make sure to say thank you, for them letting you know before it was too late, that you are in the wrong.
2. For listening to you when you complain.
Which I know we all do, a lot, even though we don't want to admit it. Whether it’s about school, work, boys, family, other friends, the employees at the restaurant you just had dinner at, true friends are always ready to listen to you complain even when you have no reason to. Not only do they listen, but also give their insight and advice on the situation. When I’m talking to my friends, I know I never feel like I'm just talking to a wall. Not only this, but they never make me feel ridiculous for feeling the way I do and thinking the things I am, and I'm sure yours do the same. So don't forget to say thank you, for them being an ear to talk off about whatever it is that rubbed you the wrong way this time.
3. For picking you up when your down.
We will never be able to say thank you enough for this one. Even on your lowest days, your friends always seem to find a way to pick you up from that. They’re forever there with kind words of encouragement, compliments to remind yourself all that you possess and are capable of, and a solution to your problem, or problems. If there’s one thing a person needs, it’s a solid support system, and your friends give you just that. They always know how to make you feel better, no matter what it was that pushed you down. So don't forget to say thank you, for constantly reminding you that the positves stay outweighing the negatives.