1. You Must Be SO Spoiled
This statement really grinds my gears. Just because I'm an only child does not mean that I get anything I want. I am very blessed for the things that have been given to me, but I have also worked for the things I have. I am in no terms, "spoiled." I am not an episode of "MTV Cribs" where I show my brand new Porsche and basketball court with my initials in center court.
2. Being an only child must be lonely.
I won't lie, being an only child can get lonely. BUT, you learn to adapt and entertain yourself with no problems. Need to be all five Barbies plus ken in your dollhouse? Done. Need someone to sing your favorite Troy & Gabriella duet from High School Musical with you? You can be the whole cast without messing up a lyric. You develop an extraordinary imagination being an only child. You also get involved in adult events, which makes you seem more mature for your age.
3. Being an only child makes you selfish.
I cannot express enough that being an only child does not make you selfish, it is the environment you are raised in. You can be selfish and have 15 siblings, being an only child is not what actually makes you selfish. I have always been all about taking care of other people, and I have never once seen myself as selfish.
Being an only child is actually quite wonderful. It made me value spending time with my cousins, but I also love my alone time. I have a very well balanced introvert/extrovert personality and I would not want it any other way. I have never once regretted being an only child, and personally, I don't think I ever will.