First decide your why.
The most important step to any goal is to know why you want it. If you want to do something because somebody else wants you to do it, then chances are that it will not get done. When it comes to your education, career, health, or outlook in life the only person who can really assess the situation is you.
Then figure out the how.
Everyone has a different starting point, don’t compare yourself to other people. Compare past you to present you. Don’t take shortcuts, take shorter steps. For instance, if you want to learn programming don’t scare yourself away by trying to build a search engine, start with some simple such as HTML/CSS, then slowly incorporate a new feature. Before you know it your own curiosity will inspire you with ideas of what to build next. Allow curiosity and joy to guide you, not feeling like you have to do something.
Finally, keep going and don’t stop.
The funny thing about change is that it’s easy for people around you to notice it, but it’s hard for you to see that things are happening. Be patient. One day you’ll wake up and realize that something changed drastically but since you were witness to it and kept adjusting to your new self, you couldn’t see it happening in real time.
Some of my friends think that I have a lot of discipline or that I'm the
type of person who completes projects... But I had to be the kind of person who didn't before I could be the kind of person who did. So many of my ideas had short-lived existences, but the best thing you can do (if you're someone who feels disappointed at how little you follow through to the end) is forgive yourself for what you couldn't accomplish, understand that it didn't happen because the timing/attitude/environment wasn't right, and try again. Keep going. You deserve to become who you want to be.