Stressed? Depressed? Confused and lost? Everyone feels this way sometimes. It's only human. Sometimes we don't take care of ourselves as well as we should. Sometimes, we put our physical and mental well being on the back burner because life calls for our absolute attention. After its all said and done, why do we still feel drained? We forget to reconnect. If you are in that place where you're not sure how to make yourself feel human again, I hope you find some of the help you are looking for within these three steps.
One thing I'm so bad at doing is getting enough sleep at night. Sleep is one of the best ways for us to reconnect and re-energize after a stressful period in our lives. Take a day or two or even three to just stay in bed and sleep, draw, or write. Do whatever thing it is that you love to do in your free time, but also get plenty of sleep. Our bodies require sleep in order to rejuvenate, grow muscle, heal wounds, and synthesize hormones. Too much sleep can be a bad thing though so be sure to get just enough.
Another very important thing to do for yourself is to stop and smell the roses. I cannot stress this enough. We get so caught up in our daily lives that sometimes we forget to slow down and enjoy ourselves and the world around us. Look up at the sky, find shapes in the clouds, fall in love with people and the way that they carry themselves and their mannerisms. His smile, her laugh, your nose, they're all beautiful pieces of this world that require admiration. Remind yourself that your writing, your dancing, your singing, and your art are not just jobs alone, but instead it is something you love with every fiber of your being. Take some time to do something silly with it because seriousness kills joy. Don't ever let seriousness kill your passion.
Something that always helps me feel better is taking a day to organize and declutter. My house, my life, my soul, everything. Throw away all of those old papers and water bottles, go through your old clothes, you might even find something worth wearing! Toxic people? Decide to no longer contact them. Angry, sad, belittling thoughts? Chunk those in the trash too. Write them down and burn them or tear them up, it's all up to you! Your are the one who gets to choose how to declutter your life.
The most important thing to remember here is that you are a fragile vessel being piloted by a heart and soul. Be gentle with yourself because you are the only you that you get in this life! Treat yourself the same way you treat the person that you love the absolute most. Before you start to tell yourself negative things, ask yourself "Would I say this to the person I love?" The answer should be no. Love yourself the way you love them, or greater.