We are all guilty of saying it: "new year, new me." There is something about the start of a new year that makes people want to start fresh. We all think about how we want to improve ourselves over the course of the new year, but often we forget about these resolutions after January.
My goal this year is to not lose sight of my resolutions. I want to set realistic goals that are easily attainable for a busy college student. I have given careful consideration to my resolutions, so here they are.
1. Be Healthy.
I tend to get caught up in the business of classes, club meetings, papers, and work and put my personal health (mental and physical!) on the back burner. In 2017, my goal is to make health a priority. I need to log more hours in the gym, drink less caffeine, and squeeze in more fruits and veggies. College makes it so easy to forget about these things, but they are so important! While yes, sometimes it might be faster to grab quesadillas at Alumni, I should balance it out with salads at Ray. And although sometimes Netflix in bed sounds more enticing than a treadmill, it is important to make time for both. I find that when I do these things for my physical well-being, it also helps my mental health. Exercise causes you to release endorphins, which improves your mood. I also need to organize my work so that I have time to unwind, so the stress doesn't get out of hand.
2. Be Kind.
This year, I want to do more good deeds. I want to volunteer more and get involved with the community. There are so many people who could use a hand, especially around the holidays. I want to be more of a presence in my community.
3. More Me Time
Going along with that, I think it is important to take time for myself. I tend to be the kind of person who puts everyone else in front of themselves. While it is not a quality I necessarily want to get rid of, I definitely need to take it down a notch. I love to be busy and am constantly adding things to my to do list. Instead of taking in the experience and making memories, I find myself rushing from one thing to the next. This year, I would really like to slow down. I want to be in the moment and savor the experience.
2016 was, without a doubt, one of the craziest years (I think everyone in this country can attest to that) and I am so excited to welcome 2017!