Online Learning is something I believe everyone should experience at least once. For me online learning was a solution to my serious distaste for the traditional classroom setting, which for me was more tortuous than it was educational. For some students who are shy, or even just those who are scared of being wrong a classroom can be scary place. There is nothing worse in school then falling behind because you are embarrassed to ask for help with twenty-three other students around you. Online learning gives these students the chance to learn in an environment that they feel comfortable in and where they feel they can best express themselves.
1. Work can be done at your own pace.
Your assignments are usually given to you at the beginning of the week along with whatever book chapters or videos you need to watch in order to complete the assignments. This is a major plus because it allows the students to work school into their own schedules. Many students who do online learning don’t necessarily have the time to attend an actual campus full time, such as those in the military or parents who have a family to support.
2. Anywhere, Anytime, Anyplace.......As long as there's Internet.
Want to take that wild vacation with your BFF’s but have assignments due that week? No problem. You can do your assignments anywhere and at any time you want as long as you have the internet access to submit them. Most Universities that offer online learning also usually have 24/7 online tutoring for most of their subjects. So go ahead, pack a bag and live life to the fullest.
3. One on One.
Unlike the traditional classroom setting you get more one on one time with your professors then you normally would. You are given your teachers email address and telephone numbers to reach them in case you need their assistance. This allows you to get help and in case you are uncomfortable with everyone knowing it’s completely private.
4. Computer savvy.
Becoming more knowledgeable about computers is never a bad thing. We spend so much time on the internet now a days, from checking in on Facebook to checking on current events in the news. Doing classes online can help you to become more comfortable not only with using internet browsers for research but also with using programs like Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint, and even Excel. Knowing these programs could be a huge help to you in the future, whether it’s in a professional way or just helping your future children with a school assignment.
Online Learning is something that so many people swear by; it gives an opportunity to everyone to get an education in an environment that they are best able to succeed in. I will always stand by my choice to do online schooling because it was what was best for me like it is for many around the world.
So go forth students, and choose the learning method best for you.