"Have you registered to vote?"
"Who are you planning to vote for?"
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"Are you going to vote this election?"
Whether we're on a college campus, at work or simply amongst friends, these are just a few of the questions we hear nearly on a daily basis. The topic of the 2016 Presidential Election is always brought up. While voting is important and is also your civic duty as a citizen of these great United States, there are a few reasons as to why you shouldn't vote during this election.
1. You shouldn't vote if you are voting with anything other than your brain.
The candidates suck on both sides of the party line. There are just as many cons about Donald Trump as there are about Hillary Clinton. The list could go on for days, literally. I am 100% for people voting, but please spare us all the feminist garbage about how we need a woman as POTUS because "men oppress us and we don't have a voice." I am so tired of hearing how men are the downfall of women; it's like a broken record playing again and again. Men aren't your problem and Hillary Clinton isn't the solution. If you are voting for Hillary simply because she's a woman, please take a look at history (AKA the 2008 election) and look at what voting for someone simply due to their gender, race, etc. will get you. If you truly believe and support Hillary Clinton beyond her being a female, vote for her. It's your American right and no one can take that away from you. But, please, do not vote just because of gender.
2. You shouldn't vote if you don't know the importance of the Supreme Court seats.
In the 2016 Presidential election, there are a few important reasons to vote your conscience. Actually, four very important reasons. Along with electing a new president, you will also be shaping the Supreme Court for the next 50 years or so. In case you still don't understand why this is important, Supreme Court seats are for life. Once you're elected to a Supreme Court seat, that's a lifelong term, even when the president's change. The Supreme Court Justices are pivotal in the role of the American government. The Supreme Court has the power to tell Congress or the President that their actions are against the Constitution- this is vitally important when it comes to Hillary Clinton because we all know her favorite thing to do is break the law. The Justices appointed to the seats are appointed by the President, so if you want a more liberal society (honestly, could we get any more liberal than ours already is?!), then you should vote Democratically. If you want a more conservative, constitutionally based society, then you might want to vote Republican. If you're somewhere in the mix, maybe you should look into the Independent candidate, Gary Johnson. Whoever you vote for, make sure you understand the importance of their decisions of who to appoint.
3. You shouldn't vote if you are not informed about the candidates or the important issues of this election.
There is plenty of dirt on Donald Trump with his name calling and degrading of women and there is plenty of dirt on Hillary Clinton with her email scandal and Benghazi deaths. Besides the dirt that is thrown at each candidate, do you truly understand where they stand on important political issues for this election? If not, I will fill you in. On immigration, Donald wants to "build a wall and make Mexico pay for it." He plans on not granting amnesty to illegal immigrants, enforcing the immigration laws already set in place and refining the immigration system to allow immigrants to come into the country legally. Many people say Donald hates immigrants, which is absolutely not true. Donald wants to close the borders to Middle Eastern immigrants until we can gain control of terrorists and properly screen them. If placing value on American citizens before citizens of another country is considered to be hateful toward immigrants, then we have absolutely lost our minds. On immigration with Hillary, she wants to have open borders. Open borders meaning letting millions of immigrants come into the United States. While I am all for immigrants and the prosperity they bring to America, I can't help but question how all of these millions of immigrants will be properly screened, housed, insured and fed when we already have a substantial amount of homeless, starving and unemployed American citizens. There are numerous other important issues that have risen to importance in this election, such as taxes, security of the American borders, foreign policy, gun control, social security, the education system with Common Core, the environment and trade policy.
I support voting no matter who you vote for. It's your right as an American citizen and one that I believe should be taken more seriously than it is. If you plan to vote in the 2016 Presidential Election, I urge you to take a little time out of your day to research the candidates, their stances on these important issues, and their morals. Whichever one you align with more closely is the best choice. Vote with knowledge! This is your country and we the people have the right to be heard by our leaders. After all, they only have their jobs/positions because of us. So on November 8th, go vote!