Since a small age, we have always been told to never give up and always continue. In fact, we walked through halls of schools full of motivational posters telling us to continue fighting. Although this message has been ingrained into our heads, we often lose sight of our goals and feel like we have to quit. It is during those tough times that we need to find reasons to never give up, so here is why you should, for the most part, never give up.
1. You will NEVER learn.
A big part of learning is making mistakes. With every mistake made, there is an opportunity to assess the moment and learn from it. If you fail to seize the opportunity, then you miss out on acquiring valuable knowledge. Giving up on things because you made or are afraid to make mistakes is quite frankly cowardly. When you quit, you resign all learning, and therefore:
2. You will NEVER improve.
Self-improvement only comes to people who are persistent and never back down. They always manage to get up and continue their journey even when they fall in the deadly abyss of self-doubt. It is because they never give up that they are able to make things better. They climb the steepest rainbows if it means they will get to their own pot of “gold.” In the same vein, when you quit, you resign all learning and all improvement, meaning:
3. You will NEVER reach your true potential.
As sad as that may sound, it is the reality of quitting. People discover their true potential when they have knowledge about themselves and their relation with the world; when they have turned all their mistakes into amazing opportunities of self-growth; and have fared the bleakest winters brought by the desolation of doubt. Never giving up is part of being determined, which is the driving force of learning, improvement, and success.