I sit here writing this in Panama City Beach Florida. It is a glorious partly sunny, warm day. I decided that it was important for me to "get away" for the weekend. And even though some say that it wouldn't really be worth the 8 hour total drive (4 hours one way) plus the 1 hour time difference (EST to CST), it was for me. I enjoy sitting outside on their nice little constructed deck overlooking one of the two luxurious pools and over the little estuary that this hotel sits next to. It's peaceful and happy. Even though I am only staying the weekend, it has truly made a difference in my mental, and physical being. So here are a few reasons getting away for the weekend makes all the difference!
1. You have a moment to relax
From running around campus all day to working a full-time or part-time job (or multiple jobs), plus getting chores done like laundry and meal prep and whatever else you have to do during your busy weeks at school/work/whatever- you need a break. If you don't stop and take some time to smell the roses, you won't realize how pretty the garden was in the first place! (Garden joke, lame I know). But in all seriousness, the human body was not made to withstand all the running around we do on the daily. That's why we catch colds, become irritable/cranky, or just slump into a depression of sorts because we haven't stopped to take care of ourselves. We need to do that every now and then, and getting away is the ideal way to do that, even if it's just for a couple of days.
2. You have a chance to see something different
PSA- Image might make you dizzy if you look at it too long!
Like this weekend trip for example, I hadn't ever driven 4 plus hours one way-by myself-before (well my university & everything important to me is no more than 2 hours one way away....) so this was definitely something new in that regard. Plus Panama City is a place I didn't really ever get to see. It's different when you go home, you get to see everything familiar and it's really nice and comforting don't get me wrong but it's not the same as going and exploring a new town to discover which place is the best to eat, and which place will make you wait over an hour to even get seated (when you're so tired that really doesn't fly real well). Not to mention finding something you couldn't find in your hometown or the town you go to college in!
3. You have time to regroup
While this might tie into having a chance to relax, this also comes into play on its own. Regrouping is vital for anyone, and it gives one a chance to see what all has to be done, and the various ways you can accomplish it. Getting away is a nice chance to step back and evaluate just what has to be done for the future and have a plan in order to complete everything on time, without being extremely overwhelmed. I know I took some time to ignore my class work (just a little not too much), and when I went back and looked at what all needed to be done, I realized that a) there wasn't all that much that I "need" to have done, b) that it can be manageable to get it done this week without that feeling of mass paranoia that I didn't get everything done on time (that is literally the worst feeling in the entire world) and c) it was really nice to have this time to myself to give my mind a chance to catch up with the rest of the world instead of thinking "What has to be done" before I even breathe.
It's important to take these opportunities when they present themselves to you, not just for your mind, but for your body and spirit. It helps improve morale and gives one a new sense of purpose (at least it does for me!) So go on, take that mini vacation, especially when things are kinda challenging or tough. It makes a world of difference. Believe me- I am ready to tackle the next couple of weeks before spring break with new vim and vigor!