As a second year college student, you start realizing the ropes of things: how to manage your time, what classes to take, and especially when to leave your apartment in the morning only because you know the sinkhole is going to make you thirty minutes late to class. Things like this are important when trying to focus on your own success. But, would you even be where you are today if it wasn't for your family? I know some people have their independent ways of doing things and maybe think that their family wasn't the key to their success and that's okay, but I do.
I never thought for a single moment that I would here going to school at Ole' Rocky Top. It was my biggest dream, and there was no way I could have done it without my family. They are the ones that pushed me to do my best and made it possible for me, and for that I am forever grateful. My family put me first so I put them first. Here are the three reasons why.
1. They love me unconditionally, no matter what.
I am sure everyone has been through certain situations in their life where they feel like no one loves them and that everything they do is wrong. If not everyone, I know at least one person–me. But, that was not true at all. Sure I messed up and made some wrong decisions in my life, but I learned from them and my family was there to love me through it. I did not see it as love then, but it was. It was just tough love (especially my freshman year of college when my Dad told me to stop eating pizza at 2 AM because I was gaining too much weight). Like I said, tough love; it's really tough because it's true and honest. But what kind of love could be better than that?
2. They accept me for who I am.
If you have ever met me and truly know me, then you would know that I can never make up my mind up about anything. Whether it be what I want to eat for dinner, what body wash I should buy, or even what major I should be in, I could never decide. During my senior year of high school while I was applying for UT, I put down that I wanted to be a Social Work major. I talked it over with my parents, but I was still indecisive. My dad really wanted me to go into the medical field and I love making him proud (I'm a daddy's girl), so I changed it to Nursing. My first semester I was pumped to be taking the classes I was in, even Chemistry, until I made a D-. By then I was thinking, yeah, I would love to make my Dad happy and continue this long, hard, unattainable nursing track, but instead I switched back to Social Work. Of course, he was not disappointed. He just said I could have done it with a little effort because in his eyes I could do anything. He accepted the fact that I wanted to be a Social Worker and so did the rest of my family.
3. They help me when I need it and even when I don't want it.
My family is my support system and without them I don't know what I would do. But, I like to think of myself as a very independent woman. I do not like to ask for help, and when I do, I don't ask for help from my family because I feel like they have done enough for me already. However, even when I don't ask, they continue to help me. Whether it be a sweet text from my sister, a card in the mail from my step-mom, a senior portrait of my brother, a call from my baby brother asking me for help with his 9th grade homework, or a surprise visit from my oldest brother, these things help me in ways they will never know. They get me through one day at a time and it is such a blessing.
This is the least I could say about my family, but every reason stated is why they will always be my #1!
If your family is your back bone and the reason for your success, let them know. They deserve to know that everything they do for you, even if it is the smallest thing, means the absolute world to you.
Note to my family:
I love each and every one of you and without y'all I would not be where I am today, and I thank you for that. I am not trying to be sappy; I am just in the mood of thankfulness (Thanksgiving is right around the corner so I am expecting some good food). But no, seriously, y'all have given me the world when I don't even deserve it. I can truly say I am blessed with the best.