I know the title of this article may seem intolerant, ambiguous, and complex, but I assure you that I’m not arguing for hate or writing about a difficult subject in the sense of comprehension, even though some out of pride and dogmatism refuse to analyze this topic. First, I want to put up front that I believe multiculturalism, the meaning that some academics and unabashed millennials use, that ALL cultures must be accepted, is not only objectively wrong, but could be very dangerous to not only the safety of every single individual, but to also our treasured republic. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that through compassion and academic integrity that we should learn as much as possible about different cultures, religions, and world views out of deference and love. Indeed, I believe every single person no matter their race, religion, gender, or background is unique and cherished, but certain beliefs and values inevitably lead to an evil end. Here are 3 reasons why “multiculturalism” is dangerous.
1. Not All Beliefs Cherish The Individual
The influential political philosophers whom the Founding Fathers learned and applied a lot from, provide a moral framework for the deference of every single person, which is also Biblically correct because scripture informs us that we are “made in the image of God.” Communism, which is an economic and political form of atheism embraces a collective philosophy. Granted, groups are encouraged in democratic and Biblical texts, but communism and socialism are coercive and frankly perpetuate evil. In our democratic Republic, at least what our founders intended, believed that every person rightfully has the ability to ascribe to any belief, but that doesn’t mean those beliefs are forced upon others, with the exception of the freedom to hold certain beliefs and practices.
2. History Proves It
Many of us don’t know that the Greco-Roman world had many practices that we would find wicked and immoral today. Take for instance child abandonment. Both the Greeks and Romans practiced child abandonment, physically removing a child from the nurturing home of the parents, and leaving them to die outside. Greek and Roman mythology contains numerous stories of children being raised by wolves and other animals. Today we would find this evil. Not to mention, the Greeks and Romans additionally embraced infanticide, sexual immorality, and stoic philosophy (poor treatment of the common individual). Skip forward to many centuries later and we learn about the Holocaust. Were the Nazis just a different culture that should be respected? Absolutely NOT! No one would argue that Nazism is a moral philosophy and worldview, thus not all values and beliefs should be respected. This isn’t the only example. Take for example the practice of foot binding in China or female circumcision in the 20th century. Those two practices are unfathomable in our Western culture. Both are explicitly immoral.
3. Domestic Movements Prove It Too
Pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV and you’ll see the horrors that some people commit. The Black Lives Matter movement has noble intentions, but nonetheless it has perpetuated violence. In Maryland, people have burned down businesses, harmed innocent people, and broken the law (uncivil disobedience). Agreed, racism is a problem in our country, but that doesn’t permit people to practice reverse racism or cause violence. We should fight against the injustice that racism has caused, but the philosophy of violence should not be accepted!
Again I believe in diversity and acceptance of all people from many different backgrounds and circumstances; however, as a student of the social sciences I have learned that not all beliefs are good and noble. I don’t believe in “multiculturalism,” but I wholeheartedly believe in unity and individuality.