Self-love is a tricky thing. Sometimes the world pulls you in a million different directions, and you become so busy helping everyone else that you forget to take some time for yourself. I can't point any fingers, I'm guilty of it more than anyone. But you will never truly be able to find inner peace, clarity, or success without showing yourself some love, and here's why I think that you should.
1. You're the only thing that is for certain in your lifeÂ
Boys, friends, and sometimes even family will come and go. This doesn't mean that you can't love them and want to keep them around, but if you knew that ONE person was going to stick with you through it all, wouldn't you want to love them the most? That person is you. At the end of the day, you're all that you've got, so you might as well show yourself some love.
2. You've gotten this farÂ
Take a minute for me and look back at all that you've done. All of the tests you thought you'd never pass, heartbreaks you thought you'd never get over, and sleepless nights that you thought you'd never get through. You have persevered through all of that just to make it here, and there's no reason to give up now. Be proud of yourself and celebrate your little accomplishments.
3. Loving yourself allows you to love othersÂ
It doesn't matter how many people tell you that you're wonderful, shower you with gifts, or bend over backward to make you happy. If you aren't secure and happy in the person that you are, you won't know how to accept the love that they're giving you. As Chbosky said in Perks of Being a Wallflower, "We accept the love we think we deserve." Love yourself enough to do things that make you happy, and the right person will love you just the way you are.