Living the college life, especially on a campus that is so different from your hometown, is quite the adjustment. Don't get me wrong, I love everything about my school, from the people that create a welcoming community feel to its beautiful New England campus. There are so many things I love about college, and even though I know I'll miss being here over break, here are just a few reasons why I'm ready to go home for a few weeks:
1. I love the freedom and independence of living on my own, but miss being surrounded by my family.
Living on your own (well not really on your own, but with people you didn't know prior to two months ago) is a lot to take in all at once. No one is watching over you anymore, but of course it's nice to be able to wake up and sleep, eat, study, and go out whenever you want, and so on. Although, I really do miss being surrounded by my family, and cannot wait to be home to have that part of my life back.
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2. I love all of the new friends I've made, but miss my friends from back home.
I'm so lucky to have made all of the friends I have in this time on campus, but I really do miss all of my friends back home. It's definitely different not being surrounded by the same people I was for years every day anymore. Seeing them when I go home is what I'm most excited about.
3. I love going to school on a suburban campus, but nothing compares to the city life.
Going to school on a small, suburban campus is definitely different than the life I'm used to living in my hometown. I've always lived in the same densely populated, diverse, urban city, so making this transition in such a short amount of time still seems so strange to me. I don't think being on a smaller, less diverse campus has changed me, but being home in my hometown setting will make me truly feel like myself.