There are many activities to do while you are in college! from sports teams, to intramural to all different types of clubs! While school is important and you should not ignore your responsibility with your work, getting away from all of the madness of school work and test taking is beneficial for not only you but everyone around as well. When someone is stressed and in a bad mood, their negative energy that they are giving off can affect the people around them. To prevent all of that negative energy from ruining everyone's day, here are 3 reasons why joining a club is beneficial for students.
Reason #1: Helps with home sickness
The first problem that students deal with at the start of college is missing home! Its normal for people to miss home and the majority of the reason why people will drop out right away is because they miss home and want to be closer to home. By joining a club or activity not only are you able to make new friends who may be going through the same thing as you, but you are less likely think about home as much when you are busy having fun with the activities that are going on and making new friends.
Reason # 2: Help Release stress
Everyone stuggles with stress in their daily lives at some point or another. Students will have a load of stress because of assignments and tests that they have to study for. A great way to release the stress besides coloring and doing other stress release activties, joining a club is a great way to release stress. Joining a club allows the student to leave their work for a little while and do something they enjoy. Also by leaving their work for a little while, they are able to come back and work on their assignments with a fresh mind after hanging with friends.
Reason # 3: Looks great on Resumes
While having a high grades and great recommendations for jobs that you are applying for, those are not the only things that employers look at. Employers also look at what activities you did in college, they want to see if you were active and social. This also shows that you know how to work in teams, and can work together with people. Employers are going to take someone that was heavily invovled in campus and still had a great GPA because it shows that you can manage your time well, as well as it shows that you can mulit task and they are more likely to hire someone who was involved more than someone who just stayed in their rooms and did nothing.