Soccer is a different type of sport than Americans normally watch. Some of us who either play or have played soccer, or just understand the beauty of it, truly enjoy watching the sport. However, I would argue to say the majority of American sports viewers do the typical, “Oh, soccer is on (as they scoff and change the channel)."
This hurts my heart. Soccer, futbol, whatever you prefer to call it is such a beautiful sport. It is a sport that takes many great, underappreciated characteristics. Here are three great qualities that soccer holds.
It's a game of patience.
People often say, “Patience is a virtue." How many people that say that actually have any patience at all? Well, soccer to me is the most fast-paced, yet patient game. Most of the time, the build-up of a pretty goal starts from the team’s defense as the ball is passed forward in small 10-20 yard increments. To keep possession and move the team forward to the opposition’s back half (the 30 yards closer to their goal), it takes a few minutes normally. Then they might have a chance at a shot, or a cross, but it doesn’t go in. Then they have to restart, bring the team back and start all over again with the build-up. The players must have a patient mindset in order to not try and force the ball toward the other team’s side. Forcing a goal rarely works, only with some one-of-a-kind coincidence. So for soccer, patience truly is a virtue and to me, I respect that and enjoy viewing that patience of the game.
It's a game of elegant skill.
Yes, soccer players fall all the time. However, beyond the falling and ‘flopping,' to play soccer you must have true skill. No one is called to play soccer just because they can hit somebody with a lot of force. Or because they are the fastest person around. To play, you must have the gentle touch of a leaf that drops onto a pond as you receive a rocketing pass. You must have the eyes of an architect, forming triangle patterns of passing lanes in your head as you go to deliver the ball to a teammate. You must have the swift and light touch on the ball as you weave past a defender, or tap only the ball without hitting the leg of the attacking player. The skills needed for this sport are so elegant and graceful.
It's a gentleman’s game.
This is a sport where men are expected to be well-mannered and appreciative through every game. They enter the field, both teams lined up right next to each other. They don’t have to go through opposite sides of the stadium with fireworks or loud music with individuals introduced and glorified. They enter as a team, one unit and right next to their opposition. The best part about all international games and some U.S. games is that each player is even assigned a small, adorable child to walk with and hold their hand as they enter the field. It's such an awesome thing. Another gentleman-like characteristic soccer games hold is that the captains at the end of the game give each other their jersey. This is a sign of respect and says, “Even if we had a tough fought game and we are rivals, here is my jersey in humility from my team and I. We respect the game you played against us.” To me, that is such a cool thing. And the last thing - after each game these players jog to each side of the field as a team and applaud their audience for their support. They literally thank their fans every game, win or lose. Either way, they leave giving appreciation to their supporters. I truly don’t think any sport is more gentleman-like than soccer, and it is my favorite quality about it.
Well readers, take it as you want. Whatever you do, don’t hate the writer, hate the sp– wait, no. Just don’t hate at all. Soccer doesn’t need any more hate than it already has from America.