Thursday when I sat down to watch the coverage of the Olympics I admit that I didn't give any attention to the swimming portion. My TV was on but I wasn't really invested in any of the races. My favorite Olympic sports are Gymnastic and Track/Field. So when Simone Manuel prepared to start her race I glanced up and decided to give a little attention to the race and I am so glad that I did. I learned a lesson in perseverance, patience and persistence but most importantly I took pleasure in the elevation in the rise of an underdog.
1. Perseverance- When others count you out it's the perfect opportunity to show up and show out! My motto is if you tell me that I can not do something it is my motivation to prove that I can. It's the fuel needed to show out and leave the naysayers in the dust!
2. Patience- While others are gaining the popularity and the notoriety, if you just keep going, believe in yourself and work hard you will surpass the expectations of others. Be steadfast and your patience will pay off. You will not have to worry if others are paying attention because if you keep your eyes on the finish line you will shatter the competition and your talent will shine through.
3. Persistence- Never count out the underdog. The underdog is the one who is in the background working twice as hard. The one who everyone overlooks but the one who is silently in the corner taking notes and always finding ways to improve. They get knocked down but they keep coming back. They become stronger and because of their persistence they are the ones that you never see coming because others have counted them out. While others have their eyes on someone else and are expecting the top dog to win the underdog comes in like a thief in the night and shocks them all because of their persistence.
So keep going, keep striving, keep believing because one day those who counted you out or ignored you will be the ones who will marvel in your greatness and speak your name for years to come!
"The thing about being at the bottom is there is no where else to go but up!"