Dinesg D'Souza's film “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party” was released on July 15, 2016. D’Souza was born in Mumbai, India. In 2014 D’Souza was charged in Federal Court for not donating money to a senate campaign correctly, he pleaded guilty, and as a result, he spent eight months in confinement center. D’Souza became concerned with American Liberalism and developed the book “Stealing America” and now has written “Hillary’s America”. These 3 reasons are why I strongly encourage everyone no matter the political affiliation should watch this film.
1. Gives history of the Democrat party.
The documentary style film is loaded with factual information and background about the Democrat party. It first goes back to Andrew Jackson and goes into detail of the stances on slavery and rights of African Americans. As most know, the Republican at that time we anti-slavery and wanted to free the slaves. Furthermore, it explains that many Democrats, including President Jackson, owned slaves. Light is also shed on the origins of the Ku Klux Klan and Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood.
2. Gives details about “the switch.”
One occurrence that many people are not aware of is the political party switch. Essentially, this means that the Republican party of Lincoln is not the same not the same Republican partyRepublican party we have today. Lincoln, as we all know freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. At the time of slavery, Republicans occupied the North, was for big government, and opposed slavery while Democrats occupied the South, was for small government, and want to continue slavery. But this is quite the opposite of today. Today Republicans have a stereotype of being racist, and the Democrats for being like Robin Hood, taking from the rich and giving to the poor. This switch isn’t talked about that much by either major party, however, candidates do bring up some questionable things especially since this platform switch did occur. As stated earlier, Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves and he was a Republican, and we now know the Republican party has changed dramatically since then. At the Republican National Convention hosted in Cleveland, Ohio this July, it was mentioned many times that Republicans were the party to free the slaves and fought for their freedom, but nobody mentions this split. The Democrats don’t call the Republicans out and the Republicans haven’t mentioned it. So since Republicans haven’t offered this information it’s interesting that the film mentions it at all.
3. Use of minorities.
The film also dares the ask the question, does the Democrat party really care about minorities? The film explores how Democrats appear to be the party to help out the poor and minorities because they genuinely care, but the film finds in reality that helping is just something on their political agendas basing on what’s going to get votes. One example is Planned Parenthood Clinics. In an interview with Carol Swain, a law professor at Vanderbilt University, talks about how the vast majority of Planned Parenthood clinics are located in places that have a heavy minority population. Thus, it’s like the clinics are there for a purpose, and that purpose is to decrease the number of minority groups. The theory is interesting considering the Democrat party promotes federal funding of Planned Parenthood Clinics and that the Democrat party cares about the lives of these minority groups. Going back to the history of the Democrats, Margaret Sanger, the founder, was a Democrat, and at the time of the founding the Democrats did not support freeing the slaves but now the Democrats serve as advocates for minority groups. Planned Parenthood has the reputation of providing abortion services than that gives a disadvantage to these minority groups. A study found that African American babies are aborted almost four times that of white babies, and other races experience similar things. Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton has also said: “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision ...“. It’s interesting to see how the party uses the belief of taking the government out of women’s rights but also locating clinics in areas where it disadvantages these minorities.