Most of the friends you make in high school are barely around once you start college. As your freshmen year comes to a close, you notice that your "besties" from high school has either disappeared or is slipping away. It can be for a number of reasons. And some of them have nothing to do with you.
1. They went to a college out of state.
Having a best friend leaving you to get an education out of the country is like being in a long distance relationship. Most of the time that never works out. You or your friend has found new friends and new responsibilities. A simple "Hello, how are you?" text seems to be out of reach for you both. Let's face it: sometimes we forget to call because our lives take a toll on us. But if that friend was worth it, you'd make time for them.
2. Times change and people change.
Once you've had the college experience your first year, you'll find out more about your abilities and what you'll actually want to do with your life. Because of this, your mindset and perspective will change. Sometimes your friends back at home can't and won't accept the new you. At this point in your life, you are finding yourself in a position where it is time to make changes in your life. Some people can't accept that.
3. New Relationships
Personally, I had lost a high school friend because of her new relationship with a guy. What made it worst was that we went to different colleges and we were far away from each other. A couple more missed calls later, we weren't best friends anymore. You will find your own clique once you get to college as well as a new romantic relationship. Don't lose one of your closest friends because you get carried away with what's close to you.
Of course, not everyone has these experiences. I know a lot of people that have stayed in contact with their high school friends such as my Mom and people that I went to High School with. Always remember, though, your real friends make time for you. If they don't, they were never your friend in the first place.