I understand this title is already contradicting itself. I sit here posting "get off social media" while I am writing an article that I will share on every social media account I have.
Truthfully, I need social media in order to post and share this article and you need social media in order to read and understand why you should get off of social media. I get it's a basket case of contradictions, however, this article is not to bash and criticize social media as much as it is to open your mind on why you need to disconnect from time to time.
1. You will get more time out of your day.
We don't realize how much time we actually spend scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter until we don't have these distractions anymore.
After deleting my social media I found myself actually getting to the gym daily, reading the books I have always wanted to read but never "had time to" and spending more time on my school work and education.
I get it's not easy to delete and never look back, so try deleting your apps for a period of time each day. I promise you will find yourself more motivated than you would be with the apps.
Reward yourself after you have accomplished your goals by re-downloading them for a bit.
2. You will find yourself living in the moment....truly.
I've seen this exact scenario thousands of times. People are at a party where something cool or funny happens and every person in the room is looking through their phone recording it, rather than just experiencing it.
It's like in today's society we feel the pressure to prove to everyone that we are always doing something cool or interesting with our lives. But could you imagine if everyone at the party collectively put their phones away and just enjoyed each other's company without posting it everywhere?
I know I am no exception to this habit - I post Snapchat and Instagram stories frequently. There are times I will find myself documenting things more than I am truly enjoying them and I hate it.
It's all about finding a balance. It's not bad to take pictures and videos of funny or crazy times, sometimes it helps us relive those memories further down the road, just pay attention to what you're truly experiencing.
Try taking pictures then turning off your phone and posting things after the event is over. Enjoy the time you have with your friends and family and be in the moment.
3. No one will be in your business.
Social media can be an amazing way for your extended family or long distance friends to keep up with what you're doing, but sometimes it is best to keep your day-to-day business private.
Not everyone needs or deserves to know what is going on in your world if you don't want them to. By deleting your apps it eliminates the chance of someone prying into your life. Keep your private life private.
This is also important safety wise. It's truly scary the amount of personal information people post without even realizing it. There are some crazy people in the world that could do terrible things with this information so be conscious of what you are sharing.
Social media can be an amazing tool and I believe it has been more beneficial than harmful to our society in the long run, however, too much of a good thing is never good.
When you are with your friends and family make sure your focus is on them and not your social image. Try deleting your apps for a period of time and just see what happens!