For many women in today's society it is a constant battle trying to not compare ourselves to the girls that we see on TV, Instagram or even girls that we know personally. But what we don't see from looking at people are what their struggles are within their hearts. Us women need to be confident in ourselves and express ourselves freely without feeling ashamed of who we are. You are a very unique individual created by God and He has a plan just for YOU. Here are three reasons to why you should be confident in your own skin and live life to the fullest by not constantly comparing yourself to others.
1. You are created in God's image.
"Confidence is believing yourself when no one else does."
"God created you in His very own image. He looks past your mistakes and He looks right at you and says, "There's my masterpiece. That's my son. That's my daughter."
Genesis 1:27
"Why, even the hairs on your head are all numbered. Fear not you are of more value than many sparrows."
Luke 12:7
As easy as it is for you to compare yourself to every other person that you meet, whether it'd be wanting to look like someone else, or how much you admire someone else's outstanding talents, you need to keep in mind that God specfically created you in His very own image. He is completely satisfied with the way that you are because He knows the EXACT plan for you in this crazy world. If we trust in Him and live through Him, He will take care of us. There is no need to be self conscious with yourself, but instead you should be confident in the strong person that God created, because you are one amazing and unique individual.
2. The people who judge you now won't matter in the end.
"Be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best that you can."
"In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence."
Ephesians 3:12
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:13
Whether you're doing everything right, or absolutely nothing right at all, there are going to always be those people who will try and bring you down. The greatest thing about God's love, is that it is never failing, because even when it seems like everyone else isn't there for you, God is ALWAYS there to turn to. Going through life alone can get lonely and lead you down paths that God doesn't want for you. Those people who try to ruin your confidence won't matter in the future, so why would you want to be anyone else but yourself? Due to us being created in God's image, we should take advantage of our talents and show them off to the rest of the world and always be confident. After all, there isn't anyone else like you in this world, so stay beautiful.
3.You are special to the people in your life more than you know.
"Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud."
"Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of troubles."
Proverbs 17:17
"We love because He first loved us."
1 John 4:19
Whether it's your mom, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend or best friends, there are always going to be those people out there who are the closest to you, that will always love EVERYTHING about you. From the way that you can crack jokes at the dinner table, or how happy that you can make people feel by just being kind to them, or even just sharing that simple smile. It's the people that know us personally that can make us feel the most confident, so keep those special people close because they can help make life an amazing adventure. Having supportive friends and family members that help us with those tough decisions are the ones that God has truly blessed us with. Just remember, the way that we think of ourselves is much more important than what people think of us.
"Nobody can make your feel inferior without your consent"
Keep up the great work,