1. "Better to look back and say 'oops,' than 'what if.'"
You are only a young, carefree college student once. This is the time of your life when you have the least responsibilities (although it may feel like the every problem in the world rests on you). This is the time to make learning mistakes without huge consequences. Now is when you make the college memories that later you will laugh over and think "that was probably a bad idea." Instead of, "I wish I would have had more fun." With that in mind, let loose and go for it!
2. Fake it 'til you make it.
Because, let's be honest, we are all out here pretending we know exactly what we are doing. In reality, each of us is just faking it in the hopes that one day, we really will know what we're doing. The key, though, is to look like you have it together. Success comes from confidence. And confidence is achieved through believing you can do it whatever you don't yet know you're trying to do. In the end, nobody has a clue what direction his or her life is headed. Let life take you by storm, but do it with confidence.
3. "Everything happens for a reason."
We understand. Life sucks sometimes. You fail a class, lose your dream guy, and have an explosive fight with your best friend all in the same fifteen minutes. Day like this happen. But, maybe it all happened so that you would re-take the class, meet your true best friend for life in it, and then marry your soulmate who's also her brother. We never know why life works the way it does, only that it will all work out in the long run.