After being in college for a few years most college students are ready to graduate. All of the late night study sessions and last minute paper submissions will finally be over in just a matter of months. I know that I cannot wait to graduate. The problem with graduating from college is the realization of a few things.When you realize these things it hits you--like the wind on a roller-coaster. Here’s a list of the three levels of the graduating senior roller-coaster:
You’ve made it! After four (or maybe less/more) long years of studying you are finally going to have a degree. You feel so accomplished that all of your hard work is finally paying off. Then…
2. Depression
It hits you that with graduating comes many adult things. More bills. Student loans will need to be paid back. You need a job. Should you go to graduate school? What will you study? What will you eat? When will you eat? Where will you sleep? So many stressful questions will bring on a depression. But…
3. Hope
You reassure yourself of the great accomplishment that you are achieving. If your professors so fit to pass you, you must be good at something. You have hope that you will figure out life post college. You know that everything will be just fine even if you are in debt.
Roller-coaster are supposed to be scary.
College is scary. Graduating from them is scary, but it is fun just like the other purpose of roller-coasters.
Enjoy this life's roller-coast! It will be a trip you don’t want to forget.