Hair for a woman has to be one of her most prized accessories. We as women spend so much time, effort, and money to make sure that our hair is perfect. We 'fry it, dye it, and lay it to the side' all in efforts to maintain a standard of beauty. But long flowing hair that defies all laws of gravity and motion are still the standard. No one seems to go crazy about women who rock their hair short. Despite many black women taking part in the “back to natural” movement, the pictures that go viral of those of women with huge afros or natural hair that runs down their backs. Even short hair icons, Nia Long and Halle Berry, have ditched their signature short hair styles for longer tresses as of lately.
But there is something about a woman who decides to cut her hair.
Last week, I officially became a part of #TheCutLife. I cut off my hair and got it styled into a pixie. Needless to say, I definitely feel like it was one of the best decisions I could have made for myself within the past 18 months of my life. Cutting my hair did not just give me a style change, it taught me a couple of lessons that I didn't know I needed.
Lesson one: It is okay to take your time.
I have literally been contemplating cutting my hair for the last year. When I first met my stylist, I was thinking about cutting my hair but I couldn't decide so I rocked a short weave to try it out before I made a huge commitment. I had heard all the stories of women who did a big chop and immediately regretted it as soon as their hair hit the floor. So as I sat in the chair, I prepared myself for the tears, but they never came. I was honestly surprised at myself (mostly because I tend to be a bit on the dramatic side) but I felt…confident. Confident because I knew this is what I wanted. Often times we find ourselves second guessing our life or decisions based on our surroundings or what other people think. You gain a certain satisfaction when you are able to make a decision, knowing it was not influenced by anyone else and you did it all on your own. Which leads me to my second point.
Lesson two: Bump what people have to say!
Although I have gotten a number of compliments, I have had quite a few people question my choice for cutting my hair, but it’s not for them to understand! People will always have an opinion on what you should do or say or be, but they don’t have to live your life. I’ve had men say that they prefer women with long hair or weave. Well now I do not have either it does not make me any less attractive. There are people who liked my hair long but others who liked it short. Nevertheless it’s about how YOU feel and what YOU like. People’s opinions are as fickle as the day so it’s a lot easier to make yourself happy.
Lesson three: “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life."
Because hair is almost a prized possession among women, cutting it all off symbolizes more than just a style. It has been so easy for me to break away from so many dead areas of my life and get a fresh perspective. Dead relationships, dead end jobs and bad habits are all things that can weigh you down in life. But once you cut it off for good, it is much easier to move forward. I can honestly say that the last year of my life has been a transitioning/growing phase. I have had to separate myself from a number of people, for a number of reasons. The life I am living now is a complete 180 from the one I had last year and my biggest obstacle has been letting go of things of the past. Me cutting my hair symbolizes the revamped me, version 2.0. I am more confident, poised and my self-esteem is at a lifetime high. This version of me is ready to take on the obstacles life has for me as a mature, growing young woman. Societal beauty standards do not and can not hold me back. Self love is something that no one in this world can take from you.