When you first come to college, you don’t know what to expect. Some people think it looks just like how the movies portray it: the crazy and wild parties or pulling all-nighters to study for an exam. Until you experience it, firsthand, you would never know that college would teach you anything more. These are some life lessons college teaches you throughout your four years.
1. How to be independent.
When you come to college it can be a culture shock to some students. Most are used to having their parents do everything for them -- whether it is waking them up in the morning, doing their laundry, or even cooking.
This is the time when you get to go down your own path and explore your options. College is all about making new experiences. Getting involved on campus allows you to make new friends and look at different aspects of life that you haven’t witnessed before. Whether it is a sorority, a club for your major, or even belly dancing, there is more than likely a place for anything that you would want to do. If you don’t get yourself out there, you won’t make the most out of your time here.
2. How to prioritize.
Prioritizing is a major concept of being at college. When you finally decide which clubs or organizations that you want to be in, then there is a need what is the most important thing to do and when.
There are going to be times when you have to pick between hanging out with friends on the weekends or one night staying in to do homework. This is something that most college students face a lot, and may not always choose the right one. Figuring out what is most important to you will help you figure this out. It can be difficult to balance school, clubs, and having a social life. It’s also important to remember that everybody makes mistakes, and the best that we can do is learn from them.
3. Who you are.
I know you have all heard before that college is the land for opportunities, and it truly is. In high school it is more difficult to figure out exactly who you are because you have known your classmates since you entered school. It is hard to change yourself when others seem to know you better or think it is weird if you change interests all of a sudden. College gives you a fresh new start.
It can also be intimidating at first when you get to college. I feel the struggle of seeing others who have it all together and know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. I still don’t know exactly what I want to do, and it can be scary. Trying out new things such as clubs can help to ease your mind.
Being here at college has really helped me to figure out who I am and to become a more confident person. College is what you make of it, and if you try to get out of your comfort zone you are going to benefit from it.