Dads are quite possibly the most fascinating people. They're tough yet they're soft, hardworking yet so much fun, and strict yet patient. When we're little, dad is the one who makes the rules, but somehow as we get older, dad turns into the one who supports us in what we do and somehow still shows us what we should do without even saying much at all. Dads teach us so much, sometimes on purpose and sometimes not. I have learned more from my dad that he probably realizes, so here are three important things I've learned from him.
1. There is always enough time for the things you love.
My dad is probably the busiest man that I know. He works so hard every day and is still involved in a lot of things outside of work, yet I still see him making time for things that matter to him. He feeds his lifelong passion of music often, whether he's playing in our church's worship band, playing out with his friends, or simply playing alone at home. It's an awesome reminder that no matter how busy I get in my own classes and activities, I will always have time to experience my love for music and any other passion I will ever have. However, his ability to make time seemingly appear out of nowhere goes far past his love for music. I have never seen him miss a recital, a musical, a ceremony, or a birthday of mine, regardless of what may be going on in his world. It's hard to explain how loved and respected I have felt just by his willingness to make time for me. That not only inspires me to make time for others in my life, but also teaches me that I deserve people in my life who are willing to always make time to love and support me no matter what the circumstances may be.
2. Whatever it is, God gives the strength to get through it.
Watching my dad lean on God in any situation has taught me how much strength can truly come from above when we need it the most. I've seen my dad go through everything from just a stressful day at work to the hard-hitting loss of way too many friends and family, and in the end, he always comes out of it a little stronger than before. There's something special about sitting next to your dad in church on Sunday and noticing how intently he listens and how deeply he prays. It makes the "I just don't know how he does it all" in your mind go away completely because it's so clear that God gives him courage, strength, and grace every day. I am so thankful that my earthly father points me to my heavenly father, and I would be nowhere without either of them.
3. Friendships are worth more than anything.
Sometimes it amazes me just how many friendships my dad has. I feel like everywhere we go, we see at least one or two people that we need to stop and talk to. The most amazing part is that his friends aren't just the kind that send birthday or Christmas cards once a year, they're the kind that fill our house for cookouts on the weekends and call him often. They're the kind that even celebrate my successes and ask about my life. They always surround my dad with such love in both happy times and hard, and it's because of all of this that my dad always has someone who can help us out with anything at anytime. (And yet among all these people, he always makes me feel like I'm his best friend in the world! How lucky am I?) His ability to stay connected and close with so many inspires me to be thankful for my own friends and to realize how much love and help I'm receiving every single day, even when I don't notice it.
Although pretty short, this list is by no means exhaustive. My dad has taught me so much about the world and how I want to fit into it. I thank God every day for giving me someone as unique, loving, and important as my dad and for all the lessons I have learned, am learning, and always will learn from him. I don't think there will ever come a time in my life where I won't need him around.