There are so many things that I learned in high school that I attribute to my success. However, I chose to write about the 3 most important things that I realized and learned in high school that taught some of lifes most valuable skills.
1. Time Management is Key
One of the best things I learned in high school was how to manage my time. I went to a very rigorous private high school so I always had a lot on my plate. I was involved in numerous clubs and activities after school and I was always on the go. I learned in high school how to use my time wisely. I always needed to be ahead of what was going on because of how busy I was. My high school taught me how to effectively plan and organize my schedule so that it was manageable. Because of this, I felt like I strived in high school and I attribute this to being one of my biggest reasons of success in college. If you don’t have time management down in high school, it will be extremely difficult to pick it up in college because the days will be less structured but still packed with different responsibilities that need to be completed. Therefore, if you know how to plan ahead, organize and manage your time, you will already be one step ahead of everyone else.
2. How to Study
A couple of years into high school, I figured out what worked best for me when it came to studying. I learned that I study best when I create study guides for myself as well as making notecards. But probably the most important thing that I learned was how to study effectively and efficiently. In many of my classes, my teachers taught me different tips and tricks on how they recommended to study for the test. I would either adopt those practices if they worked for me or I would toss them to the side if they didn’t work for me. Knowing how to study in college is probably one of the most important traits of success. If you haven’t already figured out what works best for you as far as studying then it will be difficult for you to figure that out in college. Keep in mind too that in college, you might have 2 or 3 tests a semester, not including the final exams. Whereas in high school you have numerous tests every semester. Therefore in college, you are studying a lot more of material for a test than you would in high school, so it is better to understand what works best for you instead of wasting your time trying to figure it out.
3. 4 Years Goes By Fast
One of the things I realized my senior year of high school is how fast the past 4 years went by. Freshman year felt like it dragged on forever but I can honestly say that I don’t remember much of my sophomore or junior year of high school because of how fast those years went by. Looking back now, high school felt like it went by in the blink of an eye. As a result, I learned that 4 years go by fast and that I need to cherish the memories every year and truly make something of every day. As a result, I have learned to take more pictures because they capture some of the best times of your life. I never took many photos in high school but I regret it because I do wish that I had more pictures to look back on. If I could give any advice to any seniors in high school it would be to live these last couple of months in high school to the fullest because you can never go back. Take numerous amounts of photos that will either make you laugh or cry looking back at them. But most importantly, get excited for the next 4 years of your life because they will be some of the best times of your life.