1. Everyday Activities
An important skill to learn when entering school or just trying to figure out how time management works is to record every daily activity. Every task, like brushing your teeth, eating, or even grocery shopping could be put in a time management journal. Include each activity and how much time (in minutes, hours, etc.) it takes you to perform this task. Are you spending hours on Facebook when you know there is a major exam you could be studying for? Do you spend too much time reading that one magazine when you could get ahead and prepare for work the next morning? These are just some examples of what you could jot down. In about a week you may figure out what you are spending too much or too little time on.
2. Feelings
I know, this is a little cliche and mushy, but it has been proven that writing and explaining your feelings is therapeutic. It doesn't have to be every day, but when a wave of emotion comes that maybe can't be controlled in a safe way, write your feelings down instead.
3. Favorite books/movies/tv shows
This can be really fun and even lead to you finding more cool shows, movies and books to read and watch. Posting these reviews can lead to connections between people who are interested in the same medium. Who knows-- you may find your new best internet friend through a book or show.