Everyone has read or has had a Dr. Seuss book read to them at some point. Books like "Green Eggs and Ham" and "Oh, The Places You’ll Go" have helped shape the morals of children and adults everywhere. Or, at the very least, helped them form a sense of humor. These books though, offer great quotes for everyone to live by and below I’ve listed my top three.
In a world where having the most stuff makes you the best, this quote is a reminder to keep in mind what you already have and be thankful for it. Some people claim they are prone to “bad days.” I don’t believe in bad days, just bad moments. People that wake up wondering where their next meal is coming from or how bad they’re going to get beat that day and for how long, those are the only people that should be allowed to claim bad days. The rest of us have a bad five minutes or a bad hour and think about it for the rest of the day. You can’t allow a few less-than-tolerable moments to ruin your entire day. So when things aren’t going your way, think about this quote and remember that someone, somewhere, has it far worse than you and you should be thankful that whatever you’re dealing with isn’t worse than it is.
This is the perfect example of why everyone should put a little more effort into bettering and educating themselves. You don’t have to be in college to learn things. Life is full of educational moments if you keep an eye open. One of these educational moments could be as simple as looking up home remedies for a cold if you’re on your own for the first time and don’t want to call home just to have your mother worry about you over the phone. Another could be a bit more complex, like taking a class to become CPR certified. If you’re in college, you can learn how to quickly memorize the $200 textbook that you only needed for one passage because you have finals the next day. See? Plenty of opportunity! The important part of this quote though, is the part that states: “The more you’ll learn, the more places you’ll go.” Everything that happens to you in life, whether good or bad, helps to shape you as a person. You either learn a lesson you didn’t know you needed, or you become more open-minded about the world around you. Even if you don’t travel as the quote implies, you go much farther intellectually than others who don’t take the time to try to better themselves and that is important to keep in mind.
This last quote is, perhaps, the most important one to remember. There are millions of people in the world but there is only one of you. You are unique, special, and beautiful in a way that is entirely your own. Everyone should keep this in mind. We all have our own talents and flaws, and we should embrace every single one of them. You should never try to be exactly like someone else. There’s already a person like that, but there's none like you. Be a bagel on a plate full of onion rings, a raisin oatmeal cookie on a plate of chocolate chips, a fruit loop in a bowl of cheerios! Don’t be afraid to stand out. Be different! Show the world that you deserve attention just as you are. There’s nothing for you to be ashamed of. Be the very best you that you can be because you are perfect the way you are and no one should make you feel otherwise. No one, indeed, is youer than you!