With midterms quickly approaching and the daunting reality of exams taking a toll on both your mental and physical health, it's important to keep an eye on what's important at the end of the day: yourself. There is no great benefit in harming yourself in the long-term to get short-term results. And by this I mean all of the typical things college kids do: from all-nighters to imbibing insane amounts of coffee. There is no need to do things like this to your body and I say this from experience. But, if you know you're going to be doing this anyway, you should at-least make an effort to keep yourself mentally okay.
One of the most important ways to keep yourself sane during exam season is:
1. Keeping Up With Your Hobbies
Whether it's dancing, knitting, painting or singing, keeping up with your hobbies and passions is one of the most important ways to keep yourself grounded and happy when exams are attacking you left and right. The activities you're passionate about are the things that will make you feel fulfilled and lifted. If you don't have any hobbies that you're particularly gung-ho about, consider trying some new things. Whether you're good at them or not, some clear mind space and good spirits go miles.
2. Keeping Up With Your Friends
Its hard to be social when you're stressed about seven different exams, a paper, three projects, etc. But the easiest way to eliminate stress is to conversate and kick back with some good company. There are a million ways you can catch up with friends, old or new, that immediately can release happy chemicals into your brain and make you feel a million times less stressed.
3. Hitting the Gym
Probably the least likely to be favorite but the most likely to help advice is to go to the gym. Whether its a 25-minute Spin Class, some Zumba with friends, or just some time on the treadmill, breaking a bit of a sweat in your day can be crucial to maintaining good endorphins and alleviating depressive thoughts and feelings. Not to mention, it's a great cure for the freshman/sophomore/college 15.
Life is hard out there for a young person and it's even harder for young college people that try to do it all. Following these pieces of advice can help you find your zen and ultimately help you prosper.