With the stress of school, work, homework, and just life in general, it's easy to let yourself get down about what's going on that day. Sometimes you can relate it back to one specific moment, although you can occasionally just wake up in a poor mood.I've found a few decisions and habits that you can make to put yourself in a better mood!
1. Keep a gratitude journal. I like to write in mine every morning when I wake up to put me in a positive headspace for the rest of the day.
2. Don't let yourself get dragged into other's complaints. Negativity breeds negativity, and it will only serve to make you think that way for the rest of the day.
3. Breathe. Life doesn't always go your way, and that's ok. Take some deep breaths and try to move on.
4. Force yourself to be positive for one hour. You'll find that, after this hour, you're not faking it anymore! Many people use this hack to reset their attitude.
5. Exercise, It's a natural feel-good fix. The endorphins physically make you happier and the fact that you tacked a workout will give you a sense of accomplishment.
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