As a college student, I'm not a stranger to an empty bank account. What happens when we run out of money? We simply stop spending. A few months ago, I wondered if I would ever have a savings account that looked like an adults should. Shortly after, I became determined to have an actual savings account. Here are some of the tips, tricks, and habits I started to grow my savings.
1. Record your expenses.
You'd be surprised at how much we spend on frivolous things. When you start to keep track of what you're spending money on, it's easier for you to say "no."
2. Make a budget.
Are you overspending on Starbucks? Give yourself a limit to cap your caffeine expenditures.
3. Plan on saving money.
After you've created your budget, you'll notice that you have "extra money" from the things that you've cut down on. Create a savings category in your budget plan to put a certain amount of money in.
4. Choose something to save for.
Saving just for savings sake can sometimes feel pointless and drive you to spend the money that you've built up in your account. It's easier to stick to your savings when you have a goal in min. Think about emergency funds (3-9 months of living expenses), vacation fund, or even a downpayment for something like a car or house.
5. Make your savings consistent.
If you work, theres an option to split your direct deposit between checking and savings, also limiting how much money you can spend with just a swipe of your card. If that's not something you're comfortable with, most all banks offer a monthly automatic transfer service.