29 Ways You Know You're From Johns Creek, GA | The Odyssey Online
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29 Ways You Know You're From Johns Creek, GA

"We're prolly just going to head to Starbucks in our Jeep Wrangler."

29 Ways You Know You're From Johns Creek, GA

Ah, Johns Creek. The lovely city of 76,000 that's located about 45 minutes North of Atlanta. The schools are great, the community is great, and in 2012, Money Magazine named Johns Creek as the 13th highest earning city in the United States. If you've ever lived in this city, you know it's a unique place with some interesting quirks. Check out these 29 ways you know you're from Johns Creek!

1. You refer to Johns Creek as "The JC."

2. When people hear that you're from Johns Creek, they assume you must be very wealthy.

3. You know you shouldn't leave the house anytime during the week after 3pm because you'll be stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic for hours.

4. You know the shortcuts through the big subdivisions like Double Gate and Thornhill to avoid all that nasty congestion.

5. You hate the speed bumps in Ocee Park on Buice Road.

6. People start calling Johns Creek "Johns Korea" because of all the racial diversity.

7. You can find a Starbucks around every corner.

8. You can always find middle & high schoolers hanging out at the Regal shopping strip by 141.

9. Luv-a-Bowl is a lifestyle.

10. You can't decide whether there are more Nissan Leafs or Jeep Wranglers out on the road.

11. Parking lots are filled with luxury and sports cars.

12. Seeing a Lamborghini and Ferrari is not an extremely unusual sight (especially the bright green Lamborghini-- you know what I'm talking about).

13. "Polos 'n Sperrys, that's all we weary."

14. The Chattahoochee River is the place for rope swings, river tubing and any other outdoor festivity.

15. It's not unusual for people's weekly salary match their zip code.

16. H-Mart bags are everywhere. It's inevitable.

17. Avalon is the place to be on the weekends, but good luck finding a close parking spot.

18. You know the speed limit on State Bridge Road is 45mph, but no one actually follows it.

19. Your city has the top high schools in the United States.

20. You have to debate between your Vineyard Vines or Patagonia t-shirt.

21. Bleach blonde hair and tan (*cough orange cough*) skin is the universal form of beauty.

22. Everyone has a Lifetime membership because why wouldn't you?

23. Sara Donuts is a staple in your diet.

24. A student's definition of doing poorly in school is getting a 95.

25. You see 16-year-olds driving close to $100,000 cars.

26. Your Home Owner's Association controls your sovereignty and then charges you for it.

27. Northpoint Mall is the go-to mall in the area, and you'll definitely run into at least a handful of people you know there.

28. You almost have a TV show about your community, but then it gets cancelled.

29. When JC kids birthed the word "prolly" and kept it around way too long.

Can you think of any more? Comment below!

Thank you to everyone who helped put this list together.

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