Some of us enjoyed growing up in this small town, everybody-knows-everybody's-business environment. Some of us couldn't wait to get the heck outta town after graduation. Either way, there is a common bond between Cheshire's residents. Here is a list of signs that you hail from one of the most boring towns in good ol' Connecticut:
1. Your first stop on your way home from any break is to get Choffee.

2. You have yelled at every person who pronounced it Che-SHIRE.
3. You’ve sat in the student section at a football game.

4. The phrase “the bubble popped” has a whole different meaning for you.

5. You sometimes forget that Cheshire Academy exists.

6. You think that we have way too many CVS/Walgreens/Rite-aids’ for one town.
7. You’ve enjoyed a cone from Sweet Claude’s here:

8. You have a favorite Dunkin Donuts in town.
9.You’ve thought it was a good idea to go to/order from Dragon Buffet.

10. And you hate yourself afterwards.
11. You’re either team Green Light or team All-Star.
12. You’ve gotten senior pictures taken by Joey Jones.

13. At the Percival Estates.

14. You have a favorite in town Italian restaurant.
15. But you know that the best pizza is a short 20 minute drive away in New Haven.

16. You know that the Girls Swimming and Diving team holds the National Record for “Most Consecutive Dual Meet Wins.”
17. And/or you probably think that the boys football team is more relevant than the swim team...

18. You have tried to explain what the “Chetto” is to all of your college friends.
19. Whenever you’re home, you complain about how boring Cheshire is.
20. Most of the people you know go/went to UCONN.

21. You've participated in one too many Bagelicious vs. Shef's debates with friends and/or family.
22. You always knew all about the latest high school party that got busted… even if you weren't even there…
23. You are no more than 5 minutes away from at least 3 apple orchards at any given time.
24. You know it’s not “buffalo chicken” it’s “buff chick.”
25. You spent your few hours of preteen parental freedom roaming around at every Fall Festival and Carnival.
26. You’ve attempted to avoid Stop and Shop fundraisers by exiting at the other side of the store… only to realize they have a table on that side too…
27. You know who this is:
28. You aren’t friends with half of the people you hung out with in high school.

29. But the few that have stuck around will be your friends for life.
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